宣伝。日経LinuxにてLinuxの基礎?を紹介する漫画「シス管系女子」を連載させていただいています。 以下の特設サイトにて、単行本まんがでわかるLinux シス管系女子の試し読みが可能!
Recently I got requests for migration of "2 Pane Bookmarks" to Firefox 57 and later. However, I won't do that. And there are more addons won't be migrated by my hand.
This article describes "why I won't", for example the case of "2 Pane Bookmark".
Because old XUL addons were actually dynamic-applied patches, they could recycle Firefox's internal implementation regardless they were not public APIs. Basically "2 Pane Bookmarks" was built on such characteristics of XUL addons.
Actually, it recycled Firefox's internal codes around bookmark trees and just added two changes: "filter to show only folder tree" and "filter to show bookmark items in the current folder". That was all of the addon did - I didn't have to make more effort. Moreover, to be honest, I started the project from just one reason: "Oh, interestedly it is easy to do! I try to do that!" - yes, just for curious.
On the other hand, WebExtensions addon cannot do that. If I migrate the addon to WebExtensions, I will need to implement everything from scratch: listing bookmarks, implementing drag-and-drop, context menu on bookmarks, commands in the context menu, and more. It is very tiresome.
As I described above, I started "2 Pane Bookmarks" project just because it was easy to do. However, now it is not easy but very tiresome. If I did the migration, there were any other reason.
Basically I have very few time to develop addons in my private time, because I have to spent much time to write/draw technical comic for periodically-issued magazine. By these reasons, sorry but the addon "2 Pane Bookmarks" will never migrated by me.
Still there are some more unmigrated addons I depended on:
I'm very sorry but addons not listed here won't be migrated by my hand. I hope that someone who really want develops successor version of them.
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